Monday, September 21, 2009

91 Year Old Naked Man Stops Intruder.

Authorities said a naked 91-year-old man was able to hold a drunken intruder at gunpoint until deputies arrived.Robert E. Thompson jumped out of bed early Saturday when his dog starting growling and attacking the intruder. He said he got his revolver and went out back to let the guy know how he felt about home invaders. Thompson, a World War II veteran, said he didn't even notice he was standing outside in the dark without any clothes on. Authorities arrived to find a man being held outside by a naked homeowner.

First off, I wanna know who wrote this article. It takes a real master of the english language to slip in that little piece of witty humor. I can picture the guy with a smirk on his face as he typed, "went out back to let the guy know how he felt about home invaders." Anyway. Gotta hand to the old man in this story for being able to keep his head on a swivel. Drunk guy stumbles in your house and the only line of defense between you and your naked body is a revolver. Everyone knows if there is one thing you don't fuck with it's a 91 year old guy with his balls hanging out. The guy went through WWII for christ's sake. He's got nothing to prove and he has no problem with sticking it to someone if it means defending his territory. And the best part about this is he didn't let the guy go. He makes him stay outside with him and stare at his naked body. Just classic. They used to call that torture 101 until those fuck-tards from Geneva had to step in and become buzz kills.

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