Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Is That Thing?

Nice hair, Zac Efron. I'm not even gonna bag on this kid for the little talent that he has because that could last for days and I don't really have the time or dedication for those antics anymore. You might say I'm growing up. But how old is this kid? 12? 13? and Usher is gonna let him crash at his crib while he's out of town? I don't think he told you to whip out your iPhone and plan an ice cream social you little shit. He said hold the house down. Now you got all these little skanks riding over on their bicycles because they're not old enough to ride in the passenger seat. And what about the 3 dudes on skateboards? They gotta be at least over 23. Don't get me wrong, if I get a text from my 7th grade neighbor that says party at Jim Calhoun's pad then I'm there with 8 friends, a bottle of Jack Daniels and a shotgun. You wont see me showing up with silly string and confetti. I'm just trying to figure out what happened at the end of this video because it appears that he can't even bag a broad at his own party. She gave him the classic look at the watch and bail. Nice job, bro. You can't tell a chick you love her on the first date. Not unless you're MattyK and we all know how that shit always turns out.

P.S. You might want to turn on the xbox controller before you start yelling about draining 3's, you needle dick faggot.

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