Wednesday, September 23, 2009

(817): youre talking to a girl on facebook chat right now and im sitting behind her in class lol. creepy?

Very creepy(Dylan Sellberg). It's not creepy that a male was chatting up a female. But facebook chatting is the creepiest. And let that be a notice for everyone. If you ever facebook chat me, I will respond the only way I know how to in that situation. Call you a sketchy bastard and tell you that you need to get your tubes tied. Why? Because nobody puts baby in a corner. I mean I get it if it's an emergency situation or you're my mother and have no way of contacting me and you want to know what I want for my birthday. But if I'm there staring at pictures of myself and I get this box that says, "hey, what's up?" Then it's game on. If I wanna chat, I'll go on AIM. That's why they're all there. On Facebook, I wanna stalk people without ever being noticed. To talk to someone on there means you have to actually take time away from stalking to look up if they're also on doing the same thing you are. Just awkward.

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