Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's About That Time Again I Suppose...

Last time I did this sort of thing, I got bitches walking up to me saying how much they loved #17 and so on(that never happened).

1) Made a few new friends this summer. First name is Mike. Last name Patel. Middle name is Shoeless. That's about it. Best GM I've ever met. He's served bagels in his office because he didn't have a lobby. He also didn't wear shoes. Ever. Hope he doesn't have a foot fetish.

2) Dave Schur once told me that love is only for the lucky. Never have those words ever been more true. SchurLandscrrrrapin4eva.

3) Saw a picture of a guy I respect and noticed he cut the sleeves off his sox shirt. I'm all about the cutoff but you can't go defacing championship material like that. I could see Celts cause it's bball but come the fuck on. It just hurt me. That's all. Had to get that off my chest.

4)Lucas Scott isn't on OneTreyHill anymore. It's criminal.

5) Tim Scans is gonna have to pay me $5,000.00 and an emmy if he ever wants to see his Minnesotta Gopher shorts again.

6) I'm over Hayden.

7) Remember when Billy Bayne used to blog? Bahahahahahahaha. Adorable. It was like a puppy lost in his own dog house or something.

8) I'm waiting for these other blogs to catch up. They all keep coming for my crown. Kinda feel like the 1996 Bulls.

9) I graduated from Kindergarten in '96. That's what we call a paradox.

10) I got 99 problems and they all bitches.

11) I don't know who Shanil Dessai is but I do know I beat that ass in fantasy this weekend. I do know he has a sister named Shreena and I yelled it out at a party in the summer of '08. Really had to be there.

12) What up Sellberg? Don't you wish you could get back with thissssssssss?

13) Jordon Brault just posted a 9 minute facebook video. I shit you not. It's worth 9 minutes of your life. I'm setting up a post for it later tonight.

14) I dare anyone to try and take me, berm, ksmitts and nastynesty in rockband. You can't fuck with these vocals on Beat It.

15) Don't you wanna know what Jay-Z song was playing when Miley was in that taxi? Bet it was Show Me What U Got or something main stream like that. Fuck her.

16) Party in the 860 will be the next big club banger. We've been in the lab cooking that shit up all month. Just get ready.

17) I'll go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight. That's what Dan Donahue said to me once and we had the best fucking party this side of the mississippi has ever seen.

18) You play to win the game.

19) Listen. I don't wanna wait until tomorrow to tell you how I feel about the rest of my life.

20) You know what really fucks my day up? People not using their blinker. Ok, don't let me know you're turning. I'm just gonna ram my car up your anal cavity then spill out your throat.

21) It's been about 2 months and I'm still reeling from the loss of MJ. Such a pioneer.

22) Sox just blew a 5-3 lead after being down 3-0. I'm barely able to finish this post without yelling motherfucker in my cat's ears. He doesn't deserve that.

23) Manny Otagho. Tell me that boy aint fine.

24) Scott Boucher is the 2010 James Beddingfield. Quote me on that.

25) If they say, "why? why?" tell them that it's human nature.

26) Remember tips 4 tits? Never really took off like I thought it would. Maybe because it was coming from a kid who never touched a pair of tits until he got a GF in March. She's 15. From bristol. Red hair. Just keeps getting worse....


28) #27 is how my heart feels.

29) Jonna from the Real World. I'd marry that girl. What a hot fucking mess. Love her.

30) Kanye West hates white people.

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