Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Robber Asks Victim Out On a Date.

Ohio police said a suspect in a robbery was arrested when he returned to the home about two hours later to ask the victim out on a date. Police said 20-year-old Stephfon Bennett of Columbus was among three men who robbed a couple late Sunday. Columbus police Sgt. Sean Laird said the woman recognized Bennett as one of the robbers when he returned to ask her out. She had a relative call 911. Police said Bennett was arrested in front of the home. He was arraigned Tuesday on a charge of aggravated robbery and was being held in the Franklin County jail on $100,000 bail.

They've been saying I'm bitter and that heartbreak has left me cold and maybe they're right. After all, I'm just an old beaten down piece of meat these days. But let this story be a lesson to you all. You can be a robber, have all the fine stolen jewelry in the world but until a man finds that woman to make his life complete then he really has nothing worthy to write home about. I say let's forget about this man's crimes. He clearly knows he made a mistake and he just wanted a little lady to take home, create a family and raise his son to correct all of his past errors.

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